Resilience Planning

In response to the ever changing requirements for resilience planning and retrofits, CPG has developed a niche in helping property owners assess risks and tailor retrofits in response to those risks in a thoughtful, effective, manner.

Data Collection and Risk Documentation

Understanding the risk(s) that a resource faces starts with data collection. CPG staff begins this process by analyzing mapping related to the existing and surrounding resources and using technology to mine data from the site and/or building to provide specific information on the source(s) of risk.

Francis Land House, Virginia Beach, VA 

Reedville Fishermen’s Museum’s Walker House Moisture Monitoring, Reedville, VA 

Site and Building Conditions Analysis

Once data has been collected, CPG staff will synthesize it so it can inform retrofit recommendations. Various layers of data will be compared and contrasted to fully understand the complexities of the site’s or building’s risk factors.

REL Community Center, Chase City, VA 

Reedville Fishermen’s Museum’s Walker House Moisture Monitoring, Reedville, VA 

Retrofit Recommendations Development

Resilience planning often culminates in a report that summarizes the data collection process, the data itself, the results of the data analysis, and retrofit recommendations that address the source(s) of risk. From there, drawings and an implementation plan can also be developed. 

Chesterfield Heights Flood Retrofit Design Guidelines, Norfolk, VA 

722 Filer Street, Norfolk, VA 

Floodplain Requirement Exemption Request Preparation

For historic properties, FEMA mandated retrofits can be waived in favor of more effective solutions. CPG staff has experience navigating projects that face compliance with local floodplain requirements and successfully gaining exemptions to pursue innovative solutions to the risk of flooding. 

Atlantic Permanent Building | D’Art Center, Norfolk, VA