Since many historic homes are affected by the floodings, this federally funded project was subject to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Through consultation with VDHR and interested parties, it was determined the overall project would require mitigation.
Chesterfield Heights Flood Retrofit Design Guidelines
Community Engagement
Disaster Preparedness for Historic Resources
Flood Retrofit Negotiation & Design
Historic Building Renovation
Local Design Review Consulting
Mitigation Negotiation & Performance Oversight
Preparation of Design Guidelines Documents
Preservation Planning
Resilience Planning
Retrofit Recommendations Development
Section 106/Environmental Compliance
Site and Building Conditions Analysis
Chesterfield Heights Flood Retrofit Design Guidelines

City of Norfolk
Work Program Architect
Virginia Department of Historic Resources
National Park Service
Project Goals
Located in the Ohio Creek Watershed, the Chesterfield Heights Historic District experiences regular flooding events throughout any given year.
Project Design
CPG was hired to implement all Section 106 mitigation requirements, including developing Flood Retrofit Design Guidelines.
The guidelines were developed in accordance with 106 mitigation requirements and are designed to help property owners reduce risk on their property without detracting from the historic character of the neighborhood.
Challenges and Accomplishments
The project implemented a variety of green and infrastructure strategies to reduce risk of flooding at the neighborhood level.
The Chesterfield Heights Design Guidelines will ensure any infrastructural work undertaken will be compatible with both state and federal specifications. Being listed in the Virginia Landmarks Register, and with over 400 houses on the Historic National Register, this accomplished a key project goal.