Forward High Point, charged with seeing to the redevelopment of One Plaza Center, hired CPG to prepare a National Register Nomination for the mid-century modern building located in the heart of the city.
One Plaza Center
Historic Research
Historic Resource Documentation
National Register Nominations
One Plaza Center National Register Nomination
Forward High Point
North Carolina Historic Preservation Office
National Park Service
Project Goals
CPG was hired to help position One Plaza Center for redevelopment and adaptive reuse.
Project Design
CPG conducted local and online research to determine the best approach for listing One Plaza Center on the National Register of Historic Resources.
Local archives and online newspaper databases revealed One Plaza Center’s connection to High Point’s mid-century Urban Renewal program as well as its association with a prominent North Carolina architect. This research was combined with state and national context about Urban Renewal and mid-century architecture to knit together a successful argument.
Challenges & Accomplishment
Vacancy and water damage have resulted in the loss of historic interior finishes, presenting an integrity challenge.
Through research and analysis of past tenants and character-defining architectural elements, CPG demonstrated that One Plaza Center’s interiors changed over time by design to suit tenant needs. Its architectural significance, however, is conveyed through its exterior design and materials, and site features such as its sunken plaza.