While several of the buildings in the district are likely individually eligible for listing in the NRHP, this comprehensive approach and careful consideration and justification of district boundaries expanded the recognition and financial benefits of listing to smaller institutions as well.
Granby Street Suburban Institutional Corridor Historic District
Architectural Survey
Community Engagement
Historic Research
Historic Resource Documentation
National Register Nominations
Granby Street Suburban Institutional Corridor Historic District
Tom Stokes - client
Slover Library Sargeant Memorial Collection
City of Norfolk Architectural Review Board
Virginia Department of Historic Resources
National Park Service
Project Goals
CPG was hired to prepare a nomination for an historic district to make institutional properties in the area eligible for Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits.
Project Design
CPG employed archival research, historic mapping analysis, and field survey to prepare the historic district nomination.
CPG also prepared individual VCRIS records for each resource in the district and conducted site specific research to tell the story of each institution.
Challenges & Accomplishments
Determining the appropriate, defensible boundary and context to keep the project scope and budget manageable was an initial challenge CPG staff had to work through.
Through careful analysis of the surrounding area and research on the individual institutions, CPG was able to develop a successful National Register nomination for these distinct but related institutional buildings that served the racially and culturally diverse neighborhoods that surround them.