UMW had plans to demolish these two buildings and was required to undergo Section 106 review to evaluate the potential effect demolition would have on its historic campus.
UMW Marshall Hall and Russell Hall
Community Engagement
Mitigation Negotiation & Performance Oversight
Section 106/Environmental Compliance
Survey and Evaluation of Effects
University of Mary Washington's Marshall Hall and Russell Hall

Commonwealth Architects
University of Mary Washington
Virginia Department of Historic Resources
Project Goals
Commonwealth Architects hired CPG to conduct an Intensive Level (Phase II) Survey and National Register evaluation for Marshall Hall and Russell Hall, two 1960s-era dormitory buildings.
Project Design
The Phase II survey efforts included documentation of both dormitory's interior and exterior features, archival photography, an evaluation of the visual effects the demolition might have on the immediate parcels and surrounding site, and research and analysis of the potential impacts of demolition to the campus.
This information was presented in a survey report and also through recorded entries into VCRIS for both buildings. The database entries included architectural descriptions, surveyor assessments, site plans, and the accompanying archival photographs.
Challenges & Accomplishments
CPG's fieldwork, research, and analysis concluded that Marshall Hall and Russell Hall were potentially contributing resources for NRHP listing which resulted in a Section 106 review recommendation of adverse effect.
VDHR concurred with this finding, and to fulfill Section 106 mitigation and compliance, CPG is currently working with UMW to conduct a campus-wide survey and National Register nomination.