Marshall Court

Community Engagement
Mitigation Negotiation & Performance Oversight
Section 106/Environmental Compliance
Survey and Evaluation of Effects

Marshall Court


Newport News, VA


VIA Design Architects

Newport News Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Virginia Department of Historic Resources

Project Goals

Newport News Redevelopment Housing Authority (NNHRA) proposed potential demolition of the Marshall Court housing development.

Marshall Court was originally constructed during World War II to meet the increased need for war-time worker housing. Given this historic context, an assessment of the possible impacts of demolition of a potentially historic resource was required.



Project Design

VIA Architects hired CPG to prepare an architectural survey of the Marshall Court Apartments as part of Section 106 mitigation and compliance.

The survey included archival research, documentation in VCRIS, and preparation of photographic documentation and site plans in accordance with VDHR survey standards. Additionally, CPG included eligibility recommendations for resources determined to be potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

Challenges & Accomplishments

CPG's findings were that Marshall Court was not eligible for NRHP due to a loss of architectural integrity over time, a conclusion VDHR concurred with.

CPG completed all necessary Section 106 mitigation on behalf of its client, including public engagement and additional area of potential effect (APE) research. As a result of the ultimate findings, the project was able to continue as proposed.