CPG was hired in 2019 to complete an update to the Historic District and was hired again in 2023 to complete an expansion to the Historic District.
Warrenton Historic District Update and Expansion
Architectural Survey
Building Documentation and Scanning
Community Engagement
Historic Resource Documentation
National Register Nominations
Warrenton Historic District Update and Expansion

Town of Warrenton
Virginia Department of Historic Resources
National Park Service
Project Goals
The Warrenton Historic District was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.
Project Design
The 2019 Historic District update involved adding 183 newly inventoried resources and 37 years of significant history to the National Register Nomination.
The most recent project required CPG staff to survey and evaluate resources in seven separate areas along the existing historic district boundary.
Challenges & Accomplishments
For both projects, CPG conducted large-scale survey efforts of 100+ resources in the heat of two Virginia summers.
VDHR and NPS approved both the 2019 National Register Nomination update and the 2023 historic district expansion.