Sledge & Barkley

Building Documentation & Scanning
Building Documentation and Scanning
Community Engagement
Historic Building Renovation
Historic Research
Historic Tax Credit Consulting
Preservation Planning

Sledge and Barkley


Lawrenceville, VA


Brunswick County Industrial Development Authority

Southside Planning District Commission

Work Program Architects

Ringenberg Construction

Timmons Group

Virginia Department of Historic Resources

National Park Service

Project Goals

After purchasing the Sledge & Barkley building in 2019, The Brunswick County Industrial Development Authority hired CPG to assist with rehabilitation.

Situated across from Town Hall and the County Courthouse Complex, the building is a prime revitalization opportunity for the locality. The BCIDA is spearheading this effort to promote high-quality investment in its community.

Project Design

CPG’s first task was to prepare a Historic Condition Assessment to evaluate the buildings existing conditions.

The assessment also consisted of identifying character defining features, prioritizing repair and renovation scope, and envisioning a potential future rehabilitation plan. Once complete, this information was utilized to procure an architectural team and contractor to undertake immediate abatement and repairs.

Challenges & Accomplishments

CPG continues to provide technical and strategic support as the project approaches the complete renovation phase of its larger rehabilitation.

Since then, CPG’s role has evolved to include strategic planning, community engagement, development of concept drawings, securing and managing grant funding, and preparation of a historic tax credit application. A full renovation of the building is anticipated.