Commonwealth Preservation Group

Register Nominations

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The National Register of Historic Places and Virginia Landmarks Register recognize significant sites, objects, buildings, structures and districts in Virginia which convey its historic and architectural development. The registers were established in 1966 and are maintained by the National Park Service and the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. Registration provides recognition of historic significance and access to historic rehabilitation tax credits. In Virginia there is a two step nomination process beginning with a Preliminary Information Form and culminating in completion of the National Register Nomination.

Preliminary Information Form (PIF): This is an initial evaluation by the Department of Historic Resources and the State Review Board to judge if a property or district warrants more detailed documentation for nomination. This process requires less information and documentation than a formal nomination and results in a quicker evaluation of the property. If properly completed, the PIF is a strong indicator of success if a full National Register Nomination is later submitted.

National Register Nomination (NRN): Documentation for this process includes a detailed description of the architectural and historic significance of the resource or district, in addition to mapping, archival photography, a thorough public notification process, and a presentation to the Board of Historic Resources and State Review Board. CPG undertakes individual and historic district nominations for clients interested in pursuing designation; to date, we have completed over 100 individual and historic district nominations successfully. For more information, please email us at [email protected]