Commonwealth Preservation Group


View All Easement Projects

The benefit of donating an easement on a historic property is clear – an owner can ensure the building is preserved in an appropriate manner in perpetuity. While the property remains in private ownership, the easement holder has a right and responsibility to ensure that the property is cared for in an appropriate way. In order to accomplish this objective, the property owner must consult with the easement holder before work is done on the property. CPG assists property owners and architects in developing rehabilitation plans which meet the requirements of the easement program, and also coordinates all review activities with the easement holder. In some instances, the property owner can also benefit from historic rehabilitation tax credits in conjunction with rehabilitation of an easement property. CPG works to ensure that property owners meet all of their easement related obligations while simultaneously taking advantage of any assistance that is available to help offset the costs of the rehabilitation project. For more information, please email us at [email protected]